Monday, March 7, 2011

Burlap, Book Page and Jute Bunting

I had a crafty urge one day and I thought, what better than to combine four of the most popular trends in the blogosphere now: burlap, book pages, jute, and bunting!  I had some leftover burlap from my table runner, an old book I was willing to rip up and some jute, so cost for this project = free!  I used my Cricut to cut the bookpages into pennant shapes, then I freehanded triangles out of burlap, hot glued it all together, and voila!

Okay, so I did this project a while back (note the Valentine's decor on the table), but I've been a really bad blogger lately!  Mostly it comes down to laziness.  I wish they had some kind of medication for it.  It's really a very debilitating disease.

Steven came home after I put this up and asked if we were having a party, but he just doesn't understand.  I forgive him.  I think it's cute and only took an hour or so, and most of that was spent loading book pages into the Cricut!



  1. love love love it!!

    right up my posts are full of typeset....& i adore this bunting....

    i usually am sewing the fabric kind...never thought of this as a lovely quick simple project- thanks!!

    melissa x

  2. So pretty! A great new take on the "bunting" fad!
